Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts

Tuesday 25 August 2015

How 3D Printer technology works

It is very difficult to produce any product in one direction by any company, when we work on a project then we focus on different prospective of our project at the same time if we wouldn't focus at the same time it will harm or late or costly as compare to dimensional product. So our science technology is improve day by in beginning our companies’ works on 1D but they quickly realize, it is difficult so they change in to 2D and then after 2D technology science improved, and into convert three dimensional. In these days 3D technologies are very popular because in 3d you decide every decision before investment you will make and validate your project design and architecture on compute in which "Computer Aided Design" used. In 3D we have abilities to make layers and focus in three direction x,y,z of our project.
How 3D Printer works process/method internal module mbmtec

What's 3 Dimensional (3D) Printing?

We already read about 3D or other dimensional concepts, now we will explain 3D printing, 3D printing is a method/process in which we make three dimensional products using digital files. These products achievement is accomplished by additive processes. In this process, we change raw liquid material in specific form and lying down in persistent layers using computers, until your product is fully shaped. Every layer looks like as horizontally Intersection of the possible object. It also based on 3D model and electronic soft data. These printers work as robot. We have ability to create solid object using 3D printer.
How 3D Printer works process/method internal module mbmtec

How 3D Printer work's?

3D printer depends on three basic principles Modeling, Printing and Finishing. First we do modeling of any product you want to make, in modeling we use (CAD) Computer Aided Design in modeling software or we create design using 3D scanner in which we create digital clone of our object. Some companies used digital cameras or some are used photogrammetry software's. There are a lot of procedures in modeling; all are used for virtual design. When we make design through 3D Scanner, In 3D scanner there are various technologies used for example: "Time-of-flight", "Triangulation", "Strengths & weaknesses" etc... These techniques used in Non-contact active. In Non-contact passive "User assisted" technique used it works on image-based modeling. After modeling we print product in successive layers until we create own choice product. After printing we finishing our product using polish and colors and a lot of other things for finalize our product. There are several type of Printer works on several places now we will describe working of Material Jetting and Sheet Lamination, Basic concept of all printer is same for all printer (Modeling, Printing & Finish).
How 3D Printer works process/method internal module mbmtec

In Material Jetting process build and support material droplet via diameter nozzles, this printer work on same concept like paper inkjet-printer only difference in both in 3D printer work on successive layers  for in creation of any 3D object and then UV light release on product for make product hard.
How 3D Printer works process/method internal module mbmtec
In Sheet lamination process deal with sheets (of metal, paper or polymer) those are bound with each other using external forces. Especially in metal sheets we weld sheets using ultrasonic welding layer-by layer and after welding meted by CNC for changing in several form according to out requirement. W we use paper sheets then we use glue and cut in to several shape using different blades according to requirement. There are several companies use this technology but one of big company is "Mcor Technologies".
There are a lot of other 3D printers available in market in reasonable (cheap) price. If you want to make your own business you should watch 3D printing field it is new technology and have more scope as compare to other fields.

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Friday 21 August 2015

How Heat Pump system efficient works

Heat is very important for human, so we produced heat using different way for according to our purposes for example some use fuel (solid/ liquid) for producing heat, some use wood, and in developed countries, there are a lot of new technologies for this purpose but the problem is not this how you produce heat in winter season or according to your need, problem is how you will produce heat in cheap money and in better ways. So, some Scientists always working on energy topic, so they find another way to warm room using air, before few years in winter we use electric heater or gas heater or other old ways to produce energy. Problem is that, in the world’s lot of big countries are in energy crises so they want to find cheap way to produce heat energy. This topic is about Heat Pump, this is a new way for common home use it is also cheap way. Now we will describe how air heat pump efficiently uses.
Heat Pump system efficiently works with graph comparison

What is Air Heat Pump?

Pump function is very simple, transfer heat from one place to another, but know we talk about a pump who transfer heat from outside building to inside (outside sun heat), with this pump full mechanisms of generating heat is also install. Heater generates heats and pump transfer heat using air. There is also air pump available in market that only transfer heat outside building to inside only, these pump not working in too cold areas example snowfall areas. Usually for only air heat pump use refrigerant system with little compressor, and they suck heat from one place to others.
Heat Pump system efficiently works with graph comparison

How to Work a Heat Pump?

Heat pump works on very basic and simple concept, in water heat pump main component are radiator, water tank, water pump, flame burner, fan etc... Basic idea is that, burner is fixed below water tank & connected with water pump and radiator using pipes, from one side cold water enter in water tank and the other side normal water comes back from radiator in water tank, this water makes cycle through water pump and radiator and water is back in water tank. In this system main role is done by fan. May you know in radiator there are so many thin metal pipes fixed when water passes through this pipes water is start changing temperature (hot to cold) because air passes between pipes but when we on fan, it force cold air convert to warm air. These airs changed your cold to warm room, office or etc.

Heat Pump system efficiently works with graph comparison

But on the other way there are also available heat pumps these work efficiently but in these heaters burner, and water pump is not use like water heat pump. In which air condition concept is uses, because we know in our home heat is already exists generated by Sun shining, Stove, Oven, Human body, or some electrical appliances example (fridge, refrigerator) so in summer we use air conditions for suck this hot heat and remove from your room or house, just opposite this concept in winter and you should understand this air heater working. You can use any normal air condition for heat generation or make easily heat pump.

How to check heat pump efficiency?

Those heat pump who are not efficient and not have ability for fulfill written information specification 100% may be these are also acceptable after installation but it is costly, they take more time for warm your room. So we will describe defect prevention or containment that cause for heat pump efficiency lapses. There are some extra benefits of air heat pump because it use in winter as heat generator pump but in summer work as air conditioner.
Heat Pump system efficiently works with graph comparison

You see graph i think you understand heat pump output and temperature behavior now we will move forward how to deal with. First you should chose some branded or good company who will provide good quality product, then secondly give contract to any licensed, qualified and experience technician to fit heat pump in your home/office or where you want. And after install this service, don't forget inspection method. After all these process if your heater take a lot of time to warm your home/room/office then start duct testing because if any door or window or duct stay open, may it cause you as extra bill and it will work slowly as heater or air conditioner.

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Friday 14 August 2015

How To Tell You If Website Is Safe or not?

How to tell you If a Website Is Safe or not? – 7 Things always Remember

“Security” is one of the most important factors, when it comes to websites especially. And with so much of spams out there, it is hard to know if a website is trustworthy or not. Most websites are made to look great and respectable, however, are dangerous to use. Even the most excellent security software cannot protect a user from problems he or she encounters after clicking unsafe links. Such links often appear as shortcuts to shocking news, funny videos, “Like” buttons or awesome deals but are actually designed to take away all your sensitive details or to even hack your computer. Chances are that your friends or relatives might unknowingly pass such unsafe links via Facebook posts, instant messages or emails. You will also come across unsafe links in site’s ads & search results. So, how to tell if a website is safe or not? And how to avoid suspicious clicking links? Here is something for you to learn.
check website safety, security, safe malware scanner test, Checking Services for Website’s Safety Technology

Tell me how a Web site is secure?

You should be very cautious while using a website, especially if you are about to give your personal details like address, contact number, bank account number or credit card number. Chances are that it could be phishing scam, wanting your personal data. Be aware of websites, which often seems to be genuine but have different pop-ups and intrusive ads or asking you to install plug-ins. So, it is extremely important to make sure if a website is safe before using it.
If you feel that a source link is phishy, as in it must have come from any unrecognized email, then never do the mistake of clicking it until you have confirmed that its safe. Just follow the below listed tips to know if it is safe or dangerous.
check website safety, security, safe malware scanner test, Checking Services for Website’s Safety Technology

1. Hover over a Link
At times, a link might mask the site to which it exactly links. And if you hover the link, you will observe a complete URL to its destination. This is displayed at the bottom left corner each time you hover it. So, You must be capable to see where it will redirect it to without even clicking it.
2. Analyze The Link First – Is It Shortened?
To copy a link for further analysis, without even visiting the website, just right click it & select “Copy link address” (if it is Chrome) and “Copy link location” (if it is Firefox). If the link appears shortened, you should un-shorten it first prior testing it. Just paste your shortened link in the box that appears on the website. It then provides the actual URL.
3. After You Have Un-shortened the URL, Use Link Scanners
I am sure you must have heard of “link scanners” somewhere. These are plug-ins and websites, which allows a user to enter a suspicious URL or link to check if it’s safe or not. You will find thousands of free link scanners online but I personally recommend using URLVoid first. This scans the link with multiple services like Google, Norton SafeWeb, MyWot and reports it quickly. Another helpful source is Sucuri. This website automatically expands short links and uses many secured services to determine if a link is dangerous or safe.
check website safety, security, safe malware scanner test, Checking Services for Website’s Safety Technology

You could also copy a link in Comodo Web Inspector to know how safe it is. But this analysis might take some time because it runs in-depth looking for any malicious content. If you want the process to be quick, then I would suggest using Zulu URL Risk Analyzer simultaneously. However, once the Comodo Web Inspector completes, it presents you a detailed report. If the website has rated it — High Risk, then the link is dangerous. Now for the Zulu URL Analyzer, it also utilizes multiple methods for analyzing a website’s link. Once the process completes, Zulu provides you a total risk score. It ranges from 0 – 100. More is the score, higher is the danger level.
4. Check with VirusTotal & URLVoid Too
The next step on how to tell if a website is safe or not, is to use online tools like URLVoid and VirusTotal. You have to check the website against databases too. Just copy and paste a URL in VirusTotal. This helps you know what reputation the corresponding website has & if a particular domain has ever been blacklisted. Select “rescan” if the website has already rated it. If the website is known to be unsafe, then it will more likely be flagged by other services too. But, even if everything comes out clean, this does not mean that it is 100% trustworthy.
Also copy and paste the site’s URL on URLVoid. If you have used it already in the above step, skip this. As said earlier, this tool uses multiple approaches. This service also checks for blacklists and if presented, select “Update Report” option, as this provides you with most updated results. And, on the top, you will see information regarding when the domain name was originally registered.
check website safety, security, safe malware scanner test, Checking Services for Website’s Safety Technology

5. Check The Website’s Reputation
When you get the URLVoid results, look at the bottom. It shows you WOT (Web of Trust) ratings. This trust score is extremely helpful to learn if a website
is trustworthy or not. However, clicking the button on the 3rd column brings WOT scorecard of a website, where you will see a detailed information. It includes comments. Reading them gives you an idea of how the site is.
6. Pay Attention to the “Lock” Icon
Few websites use secured connections. This might be very important, especially if you are making online purchases or giving out your personal information. To know if your browser is actually viewing a secured website, just look at the top left right corner of your URL box. You should see a small globe icon, which basically describes the zone you’re in. If you observe a yellow-colored padlock icon after entering the link, the website you view is “secured.” However, if it is empty, it means that the respective website doesn’t have a secured connection to your browser. There is another way to check this as well. There is this standard among different browsers to show a “lock” symbol somewhere inside the browser (but NOT in your web page area!)  Say for example, Internet Explorer shows the “lock” picture at bottom right corner of your browser window while Firefox shows at the bottom left corner.
And this “lock” icon isn’t only a picture. It could reveal a lot about a website’s security. You should be aware of all this because many fraudulent sites are designed with a bar, which is usually at the bottom of a web page. This bar is too often imitating your browser’s lock icon. Hence, it is essential to test its (lock icon) functionality. All you have to do is – Double-click the lock symbol to see more information.
7. Ensure That the SSL Certificate Is Genuine Prior Making Purchases
You will surely know if a website is safe or not after you use the above online tools. However, if none of the above-mentioned methods work or you are not able to tell if a website is safe, and then do this before transmitting any of your sensitive details to a website. The first step is to ensure if a web page is SSL secured. This most often includes for web pages asking you to provide your credit card number, bank account details, contact number and so on. Observe the URL properly. If it begins with https://, the page you’re seeing is secured and trustworthy. And no user other than you can view your personal information you’re submitting. But, there is a subtle risk you need to be cautious of. You actually have different SSL certificate types, each providing varied trust levels. For instance, an extensive validation certificate guarantees that a particular business is legal, while other certificate types are validated only with respect to a domain and not the operators / owners. Remember this always — phishing websites are known to purchase low-level certificates just to trick users in believing that they’re trustworthy, however are not!
check website safety, security, safe malware scanner test, Checking Services for Website’s Safety Technology

9 Other Free Online Checking Services To Reveal a Website’s Safety

Some antivirus offers network protection, which checks if a file and website is safe / not. Even browser add-ons notify users if a web page is 100% safe to use. Most browsers automatically block unsafe downloads or bad websites. However, if you still want to know better about a site, then use any of the below listed online services.
1. Blacklist Doctor
2. Google Safe Browsing – A service from Google. All you have to do is enter a URL or link at the end of this [
3. LinkScanner
4. HpHosts – To see if a website is listed malware, phishing or rogue.
5. Norton SafeWeb SiteAdvisor
6. sURL
7. Unmask Parasites – This tells if a website has hidden parasites.
8. vURL Online – It dissects web pages if they are suspicious or malicious.
9. WOT Web of Trust – Use this to check if a website is spyware, malware, phishing or rogue

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Thursday 13 August 2015

How GPS technology works?

US military officials introduced tracking system known as GPS Global Positioning System. It is fully functional in 1995. Initially it was not for common use, only for us military but later on they decides to give access everyone in the world's and GPS provided to a lot of companies for used it in your products for common person use. Today it is an important feature in every mobiles and also used in some other services/devices for example buses, cars, laptops or other in tracking system appliances, GPS is also known as navstar navigation system. GPS directly connected with the satellite. In these days a lot of counties have own satellite for this purpose. It help people's in a lot of departments, majors problem is in this systems is accuracy that's way other countries send own satellite to space for example Russia make own system using "GLONASS satellites" it gives very accurate in major areas.
Global Positioning System GPS working satellite technology accurate system

How Global Positioning System GPS Work's?

In these days, there are a lot of "Global Positioning Systems", GPS uses easy concepts but its instruments and technology is complex. There is basic main formula for all GPS systems. For example Android mobile those have locations trace ability known as GPS satellite signals receiver, These GPS satellite receiver use for receive signal from satellite with the exact transmitted time and place then android or computer software calculate distance speed, turning points according to the given maps, satellite continuously send signal to receiver hardware.
Global Positioning System GPS working satellite technology accurate system

In these days this system works with at least 31 satellites orbits with 55 degree inclined equator. These satellites exist about 20,000 km from Ground level earth's and makes orbit 2 times a day. These orbit are created by us so Six satellites are always focus on famous places on the earth for hurry & accurate result access. Satellite sends signal to your receiver these signals travel with the speed of light. GPS track you location using a process known as trilateration. Trilateration is one of main algorithm concept in this system working. There are required 2 types of data by GPS receiver one is Almanac and 2nd is Ephemeris. This data continuously transmitted between satellite and GPS receiver; on the basis of this data we achieve high accuracy.
Global Positioning System GPS working satellite technology accurate system

Accuracy of GPS Devices:

There is a lot of factor in location tracker, it also depend on devices, positions in the sky of satellites effect on high accuracy GPS, You know time is very important and play key role to calculate accurate location, so that is the reason every satellite has atomic clock that save very adhering time. After improvement every point in this world (In range of GPS) focus by four satellites & after confirmation & approved by all four on same point, send signal by one to receivers. Receiver can assess your location in 3 Amplitude 1st is east, 2nd is north and 3rd is altitude. In latest technology also use combination of GPS and Russian satellites for get better courage & accuracy. we already know we require 4 satellite for accurate result but unfortunately if one satellite is not working in area or not in range then you get your location too but it is 2D and may be not accurate because one satellite data is gather by prediction and you got location result approximately but if you in rage of 4 satellite you fetch 3D result and it is accurate as compare to 2D results.
Global Positioning System GPS working satellite technology accurate system

Uses of GPS:

It is totally free for every company so there is a lot of application made for this purposes usually it is used in Road Transports, Aviation’s, Shipping & Railways, Science, and Security guidance applications.    

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Thursday 30 July 2015

How Wireless Keyboard Mouse & Headphone Works?

In these days you all knows, there is revolution in technology sector everywhere in the world. There is also improvement in IT sector. Computer technologies changed in to latest technology, you all people use who already use computer (PC) they know wired Keyboard, Mouse, Headphone and mice. They all observed difficulty using these wired but before few year there is no option to replace this problem but now technology improved and we have wireless technology to replace old technology. Scientists and engineers together made Wireless, Keyboard, Mouse and Headphone. These products are easily available in local market in cheap price.Upcoming technologies news Wireless Wireless Keyboard Mouse & Headphone

What's Wireless Keyboard Mouse & Headphone?

These are computer hardware component already available in market easily but old component are wired, this is new wireless technology. It is also available now in market. They allow computers/laptops or tablets to interact with the human using different medium (Example Bluetooth, infrared, laser technology etc...).
Wireless keyboard is very popular in these days because a lot of other feature also attached in wireless keyboard. Some keyboards are like laptop panel in which include mouse moving button and laptop mouse panel too. And some has included also thumb impression panel.
Headphone is used normally for listening music, communication using mice from one place to other but in old days it is only wired headphone but now wireless headphone is the latest technology in these days, in many counties didn't have this technology very common until now but with the passage of time wireless component will improve their rating in every country like old technology.

How they Work's?

Wireless Keyboard, Wireless mouse, Wireless headphone are usually working on same technique medium there are different medium used by different companies example Bluetooth, infrared, radio frequency (RF), optical, laser, LED & sensors etc... In these days two types of instrument available in market optical and laser.
Upcoming technologies news Wireless Keyboard Mouse & Headphone working

In optical keyboard LED and sensor embedded, LED use concept of "electro luminescence" & photoelectric sensor catch emitting light rays from other device. When user press any key every key have unique light ray’s angle & type so sensor detect what user want.
In laser keyboard use metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS), image of keyboard keys projected on straight surface and CMOS monitored moving finger on virtual Interface using infrared sensor.
Upcoming technologies news Wireless Keyboard Mouse & Headphone working

In mouse two major components are required transmitter & receiver just like keyboards but in optical mouse LED lights & sensor work together. Red light produced by LED captured by CMOS & track movement using Digital Signal Processor (DSP), they send data to computer and computer follow instruction. In which also use Dots per Inch (DPI) technology to produce refine movement on pixel, normally optical mouse use 400 to 800 DPI.
In laser mouse working like optical mouse but little technology improved in laser mouse minimum DPI used by laser mouse is 2000 DPI it is much better than optical mouse. They use invisible laser rays for detect the movements & transferring data to its destination.
Upcoming technologies news Wireless Keyboard Mouse & Headphone working

Wireless headphone normally work with Bluetooth technology, receiver and transmitter communicate both source and destination, it is also used with mobiles and TV's, there is a lot of people who have difficulty to during connection with mobiles TV's and computer but it is latest technology it is easy to use as compare to wired headphone.
Keyboard, Mouse & Headphone are major component for giving input to ant computer. If you want to buy any component of computer, you should buy best Keyboard/Mouse or Headphone. They are easily available in your near market and Enjoy....

Tuesday 14 July 2015

How Wireless Charger technology Works?

If you have ever upset due to cords and knot of wires during charging, so you should know the concept of wireless charging technology. Until recently, there were not replacement to charge instrument using bulky wires and similar like cords wires, but now wireless charging is implemented idea and available in market for use because technology become more advanced. Wireless charging may use in a lot of instruments other than mobiles, watches for example electric cars, laptops, lamps etc.
Upcoming technologies Wireless inductive Charging Works

But now i explain this technology, what is (Inductive) wireless charging? What is exact way to generate wireless energy? What is reason behind popularity now, instead of one hundred year ago developed? And why it is important in future use? 
Upcoming technologies Wireless inductive Charging Works

What is wireless energy (charging):

It is concept of transfer charges between two objects using electromagnetic fields. These charges known as energy, this concept perform normally with a charging station. These charges use later-on charge batteries or drive the devices.

How this Charging work:

Resnick is surname of scientist and he said wireless energy is produce via loop of collide cords (wires) surround a bar magnet, this magnet is called an inductor. When current pass via collide wire then this current create electromagnetic fields surround magnet this magnetic field energy transfer energy and we use it to charge instruments, and this is concept how this energy produce and work.
Usually wireless energy stations in these days use mat with inside an inductor, though electric brushes, this energy depends on electromagnetic field directly proportional with distance if distance is higher energy strength is weak that's way scientist say, an instrument must be close to power station to get higher energy.
Upcoming technologies Wireless inductive Charging Works

Why Inductive charging popular now:

Though, this concept has been understood one century ago but unfortunately scientist had not identify the way to transfer exact amount of energy technique. This charge's (power) is directly proportional to coil turn surround bar magnet, and also depends what type of magnet we use with coil, some magnet are more powerful as compared to normal magnet. so today we need everything run fast, we want everything on finger tips or just in imagination then fulfill in our life, this technology is revolution in our life, for example inductive charging is without wires connectivity so we put mobile or electronic appliance around charger electromagnetic wave then it automatically connect and charged. No need to worried about it (it connected correctly, wires working or something else physically problems). That is the reason inductive charging popular. In these days some mobile companies use this technology massively and make their product popular using wireless technology. For example, Samsung, iPhone, Nexus, Nokia, qi wireless charging pad

Why it is important in future use:

Until now, we know a lot of about wireless charging and popularity of this charging. Now we will discuss about future aspect of inductive charging. We also know scientist had not find the way until now the transfer huge amount of wireless charge so the transfer only small amount of energy. May be scientists successful to transfer huge amount of energy in future, to charging huge power consuming devices, for example blenders or vacuum cleaner's.
Many companies try to make designing systems of wireless platforms in hotels, markets, offices will able not only charge phones, also switching censers, TV,s, Air conditioning, lights and many more things those are not chargeable now with wireless charger.

How Cloud Phone / Mobile technology Works?

If you have ever unexpectedly loss your data from your phone or computer due to viruses or corrupt disc / windows or some else problems, so you should know cloud computing technology. Before few years, there were no solutions of this problem except you make a backup file on some other computer. But it is very expensive & not easily possible fully backup functional data. But now, we have cloud computing technology for this purpose. Now i will explain cloud computing and cloud phone work. Cloud computing is a technology that is use in cloud phones with the name of, for example i cloud, my cloud, windows phone, i phone, android cloud etc.
Upcoming technologies Cloud Phone Works

What's cloud Phone?

It is a smart phone like other phone difference between cloud and simple phone is, in cloud phone data store online server. You will access, retrieve, delete, & modify data from every ware using mobile or computer. Every smart phone connect with internet using an account (example Google account), using this account you will identify your data and access your data. Those mobile have these features known as cloud mobile. This is important feature in every new smart mobile, even apple has separate & secure server for apple product.
Upcoming technologies Cloud Phone Works

How cloud works in Phone?

When anyone buy a Cloud Phone for use from city mobile shop or village phone operator, then they set a PIN code (every mobile has unique PIN) to reach mobile identity. Once you insert information then you will log in & out of anyone’s phone, & when you login one’s your personal information & records uploads on cloud Instead of on phone, we ensuring that your all data private (calls, texts, messages etc.. ). Only problem is that in cloud is security but there is a lot of security companies secure our data.
Upcoming technologies Cloud Phone Works

Why Cloud Phone popular now?

In these days cloud phone system are very popular, because our data is big problem in these days if your mobile lost, break, or something happened unexpectedly, you may lost your data because mostly people don’t have backup, so cloud mobile provide facility save data on cloud you can fetch data from any mobile or computer didn't matter where are you, in office, home, outstation's etc. any ware just login your account and access your data. it also provide better facilities for your business. You may use Office-suite business phone system to improve employee creativity, production & mobility. That is the reason it is popular in these days and may be in future too.
Upcoming technologies Cloud Phone Works

Future use Cloud Phone:

There is a lot of hidden prospective of cloud phones but some are revealed we will improve cloud application availability, Increased growth rate of our product in market, use updated hybrid adoption of cloud, you will increased cloud development & new innovation. You will shift whole businesses on cloud with auto decision ability, without moving of many papers, files surround & waiting for get back reports. In future business will be faster pace as compare current using cloud technology.