Tuesday 25 August 2015

How 3D Printer technology works

It is very difficult to produce any product in one direction by any company, when we work on a project then we focus on different prospective of our project at the same time if we wouldn't focus at the same time it will harm or late or costly as compare to dimensional product. So our science technology is improve day by in beginning our companies’ works on 1D but they quickly realize, it is difficult so they change in to 2D and then after 2D technology science improved, and into convert three dimensional. In these days 3D technologies are very popular because in 3d you decide every decision before investment you will make and validate your project design and architecture on compute in which "Computer Aided Design" used. In 3D we have abilities to make layers and focus in three direction x,y,z of our project.
How 3D Printer works process/method internal module mbmtec

What's 3 Dimensional (3D) Printing?

We already read about 3D or other dimensional concepts, now we will explain 3D printing, 3D printing is a method/process in which we make three dimensional products using digital files. These products achievement is accomplished by additive processes. In this process, we change raw liquid material in specific form and lying down in persistent layers using computers, until your product is fully shaped. Every layer looks like as horizontally Intersection of the possible object. It also based on 3D model and electronic soft data. These printers work as robot. We have ability to create solid object using 3D printer.
How 3D Printer works process/method internal module mbmtec

How 3D Printer work's?

3D printer depends on three basic principles Modeling, Printing and Finishing. First we do modeling of any product you want to make, in modeling we use (CAD) Computer Aided Design in modeling software or we create design using 3D scanner in which we create digital clone of our object. Some companies used digital cameras or some are used photogrammetry software's. There are a lot of procedures in modeling; all are used for virtual design. When we make design through 3D Scanner, In 3D scanner there are various technologies used for example: "Time-of-flight", "Triangulation", "Strengths & weaknesses" etc... These techniques used in Non-contact active. In Non-contact passive "User assisted" technique used it works on image-based modeling. After modeling we print product in successive layers until we create own choice product. After printing we finishing our product using polish and colors and a lot of other things for finalize our product. There are several type of Printer works on several places now we will describe working of Material Jetting and Sheet Lamination, Basic concept of all printer is same for all printer (Modeling, Printing & Finish).
How 3D Printer works process/method internal module mbmtec

In Material Jetting process build and support material droplet via diameter nozzles, this printer work on same concept like paper inkjet-printer only difference in both in 3D printer work on successive layers  for in creation of any 3D object and then UV light release on product for make product hard.
How 3D Printer works process/method internal module mbmtec
In Sheet lamination process deal with sheets (of metal, paper or polymer) those are bound with each other using external forces. Especially in metal sheets we weld sheets using ultrasonic welding layer-by layer and after welding meted by CNC for changing in several form according to out requirement. W we use paper sheets then we use glue and cut in to several shape using different blades according to requirement. There are several companies use this technology but one of big company is "Mcor Technologies".
There are a lot of other 3D printers available in market in reasonable (cheap) price. If you want to make your own business you should watch 3D printing field it is new technology and have more scope as compare to other fields.

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