About Us

Hey Everyone! , MBMTEC is a brand name of my blog. I am student of software Engendering, Blogger and SEO optimizer . I am 23 years old now. Currently, I live in Islamabad, Pakistan. I can speak English fluently. I'm not yet having graduation degree, I'm the one who has done everything whatever I wanted to do. I know a lot of computer languages learned from my University, internet, books and Online working in very less time.  

My Objectives

After Having learned many things on the internet, I felt i should work on Technology site Hindi which could provide them a better understanding of world, computer and internet . So and Therefor, I'm here to write for you  :)

I have knowledge and am interested in following Services, I can provide you consultancy in these subjects.

  1. Blogging ( WordPress, Blogger, Typer )
  2. SEO ( Expert in this field ) ( Basic to Advance )
  3. Web Designing ( HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap )
  4. Web Developing ( PHP,My SQL, Joomla,PhpBB )
  5. Graphic designing ( Photoshop, Corel Draw, Freehand, Inpage )
  6. Writing ( Articles.Presentations, Corrections, Translations )
  7. Google Adwords ( Google network to advertise your product on the web )
  8. Google Adsense ( Google Network to earn money with website )
  9. Google Webmaster ( Google tool for crawling & indexing your website ) 
  10. Google Feed burner ( Google tool for syndicating your content )
  11. Google Analytics ( Google tool for collecting your site's statistical data )
  12. Blogger ( A web blog platform for free blogs )
  13. WordPress ( A platform for making PHP based website and blogs 
  14. Social Media ( Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Myspace, LinkedIn )
    I am working online for last 3 years. During this period of time; I've completed many goals and targets. I started blogging in 2012, then learned SEO after some months and consistently worked with web designing tools and now am going to become a web developer. My Message for the new Bloggers Respect is the only thing which keeps people respect back you. Never give up blogging and always work hard to achieve the goals you've set. Respect all copyrights laws and others property, never be a thief but be a genius. Always mention those who've helped you in bad times... Be creative and every day think to create something new my best wishes for you!

     *** Thanks for Your Precious Time! ***


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