Friday 21 August 2015

How Heat Pump system efficient works

Heat is very important for human, so we produced heat using different way for according to our purposes for example some use fuel (solid/ liquid) for producing heat, some use wood, and in developed countries, there are a lot of new technologies for this purpose but the problem is not this how you produce heat in winter season or according to your need, problem is how you will produce heat in cheap money and in better ways. So, some Scientists always working on energy topic, so they find another way to warm room using air, before few years in winter we use electric heater or gas heater or other old ways to produce energy. Problem is that, in the world’s lot of big countries are in energy crises so they want to find cheap way to produce heat energy. This topic is about Heat Pump, this is a new way for common home use it is also cheap way. Now we will describe how air heat pump efficiently uses.
Heat Pump system efficiently works with graph comparison

What is Air Heat Pump?

Pump function is very simple, transfer heat from one place to another, but know we talk about a pump who transfer heat from outside building to inside (outside sun heat), with this pump full mechanisms of generating heat is also install. Heater generates heats and pump transfer heat using air. There is also air pump available in market that only transfer heat outside building to inside only, these pump not working in too cold areas example snowfall areas. Usually for only air heat pump use refrigerant system with little compressor, and they suck heat from one place to others.
Heat Pump system efficiently works with graph comparison

How to Work a Heat Pump?

Heat pump works on very basic and simple concept, in water heat pump main component are radiator, water tank, water pump, flame burner, fan etc... Basic idea is that, burner is fixed below water tank & connected with water pump and radiator using pipes, from one side cold water enter in water tank and the other side normal water comes back from radiator in water tank, this water makes cycle through water pump and radiator and water is back in water tank. In this system main role is done by fan. May you know in radiator there are so many thin metal pipes fixed when water passes through this pipes water is start changing temperature (hot to cold) because air passes between pipes but when we on fan, it force cold air convert to warm air. These airs changed your cold to warm room, office or etc.

Heat Pump system efficiently works with graph comparison

But on the other way there are also available heat pumps these work efficiently but in these heaters burner, and water pump is not use like water heat pump. In which air condition concept is uses, because we know in our home heat is already exists generated by Sun shining, Stove, Oven, Human body, or some electrical appliances example (fridge, refrigerator) so in summer we use air conditions for suck this hot heat and remove from your room or house, just opposite this concept in winter and you should understand this air heater working. You can use any normal air condition for heat generation or make easily heat pump.

How to check heat pump efficiency?

Those heat pump who are not efficient and not have ability for fulfill written information specification 100% may be these are also acceptable after installation but it is costly, they take more time for warm your room. So we will describe defect prevention or containment that cause for heat pump efficiency lapses. There are some extra benefits of air heat pump because it use in winter as heat generator pump but in summer work as air conditioner.
Heat Pump system efficiently works with graph comparison

You see graph i think you understand heat pump output and temperature behavior now we will move forward how to deal with. First you should chose some branded or good company who will provide good quality product, then secondly give contract to any licensed, qualified and experience technician to fit heat pump in your home/office or where you want. And after install this service, don't forget inspection method. After all these process if your heater take a lot of time to warm your home/room/office then start duct testing because if any door or window or duct stay open, may it cause you as extra bill and it will work slowly as heater or air conditioner.

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